Virtual Lab of Process & System Modeling
Virtual Lab of Process & System Modeling
Monte-Carlo Simulation of Reliability of System with Complex Interconnections. Vehicles 2024, 6, 1801-1811.
Pokorádi, László
reliability; sensitivity; uncertainty; Monte-Carlo simulation; system with complex interconnections
Monte-Carlo Simulation of Reliability of System with Complex Interconnections. Vehicles 2024, 6, 1801-1811.

Modern automotive systems must satisfy strict reliability requirements. Most real vehicle systems and safety-critical networks have complex interconnections. The sensitivities and probabilistic uncertainties of the reliability of systems with complex interconnections (SwCIs) can be investigated by Monte-Carlo Simulation (MCS). This paper focuses on the sensitivities and parametrical uncertainties of SwCIs’ reliability. The proposed method can be implemented in the investigation of the uncertainties of SwCI reliability, i.e., in the determination of critical system elements and the estimation of the required number of spare parts (RNSP) of the system, which depends on the probability of allowable spare equipment shortage.

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